NUMBER 1 / JUNE 15.2007
The concept of a new oral health indicator and the approach of health promotion aimed at improving oral health
Kakuhiro Fukai
Health Science and Health Care 2007; 7 (1):1−3
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The effect of ADL quality on sense of deliciousness and sense of taste in nursing homes in Sri Lanka瀧口徹 山田好秋 Geethani Kandaudahewa 山村千絵 深井穫博 高柳篤史
The effect of ADL quality on sense of deliciousness and sense of taste in nursing homes in Sri Lanka
Toru Takiguchi, et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2007; 7 (1):4−17
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Risk factors for tooth loss estimated from age and present teeth by using percentiles
Koichi Yoshino
Health Science and Health Care 2007; 7 (1):18−23
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口腔分野のQOL尺度に関する研究-若年者におけるGOHAIとOIDP日本語版の比較検討内藤真理子 伊藤博夫 金川裕子
QOL scales in the oral health field : Comparative evaluation of Japanese versions of the GOHAI and the OIDP in young adults
Naito M, et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2007; 7 (1):24−28
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某施設介助職員に対する摂食・嚥下リハビリテーションに関する調査-食事指導前の知識・意識・態度について-遠藤眞美 野本たかと 妻鹿純一
A study of the awareness of the facilities staffs regarding dysphagia rehabilitations before helping for eating
Mami Endoh,et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2007; 7 (1):29−35
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Health Science and Health Care 2007; 7 (1):36−37
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